Do You Need a Salesforce Health Check?

Salesforce is like a living and breathing team member in your company. Your CRM has been growing, developing, and changing since implementation. And just like you, it needs regular checkups to stay healthy and perform at its best. While you may have had Salesforce for a long time, and it may be working well for you, you still want to ensure that your investment leads to effective sales processes, automated business processes, and insights into key metrics. A comprehensive Salesforce health check will help you keep your system operating at maximum efficiency for your team.

Here are a few scenarios that could indicate it’s time for a Salesforce health check:

Your Security Needs Have Changed

As businesses grow and change, so do their security needs. A Salesforce health check also includes a check-up for your security settings. As an admin, you can use the Salesforce Security Health Check tool to identify and fix potential vulnerabilities in your security settings. You can now see and resolve security risks in your Session Settings, Password Policies, and Network Access settings. Security Health Check lets you understand and proactively fix your org’s security risks and vulnerabilities from a single page within your org’s setup. For a more in-depth security audit, you can leverage tools like AppOmni which specialize in maintaining data security for SaaS platforms.

From phishing and malware, auditing, and Salesforce shied, the Salesforce security features help you empower your users to do their jobs safely and efficiently. Salesforce limits exposure of data to the users that act on it. You can implement security controls that you find appropriate for the unique sensitivity of your data.

Your security assessment should also involve a hard look at your Profiles, Roles, and User licensing to ensure the right people have the right access to Salesforce. We encourage clients to only provide access to the data and applications they really need rather than all data in the org. That can lead to a messy free-for-all when it comes to data accuracy and data security.

You Implemented Salesforce More Than a Year Ago

Your business is always changing and evolving, and that likely means growth! But your software needs to adapt accordingly. Ask yourself if your original implementation still aligns with your company and business initiatives. The answer could range from needing a few tweaks or, it could be time for a complete overhaul.

Salesforce Optimizer Report is a feature that evaluates your Salesforce instances to determine how your company uses certain features and identifies ways that you can improve them. The Optimizer focuses on determining ways to simplify customizations and drive the adoption of features. This report gives you concrete recommendations for how you can improve your organization’s Salesforce experience.

You Have Complex Data Flowing Across Departments

Utilizing the entire Salesforce Customer 360 platform is ideal for a seamless marketing-to-sales process. But as organizations grow and data becomes more complex, there will naturally be more room for error and health vulnerabilities. however, by completing a periodic Salesforce Health Check, this doesn’t need to be a problem.

A Salesforce health check can help you better understand how data flows throughout your business, between departments, or third-party integrated systems. If you’re not already integrating with other operational systems, this is your opportunity to do so. Connect the dots and integrate all your business data into Salesforce, making it your system of truth. It can also determine the best way to share information throughout your organization and how long it will take to make the proper process changes.

You’ve Run Out of Ideas to Improve Your Operating Efficiency

If you’re feeling frustrated that you aren’t getting the results you expected from Salesforce, it may be time to take a step back. Analyze your business strategy and processes and how they can be improved and optimized. Then, you can re-evaluate how you are leveraging Salesforce’s capabilities.

There are new features in every Salesforce release, which is why we recommend a system health check at least every six months. Whether you implemented Salesforce five years ago or one year ago, a full system health check can help you ensure you’re leveraging the latest functionality.

Salesforce Security Health Check is a helpful and necessary tool for users to identify and fix vulnerabilities from a single page. But keep in mind, it evaluates some and not all of your features and customizations. Overall, calling in an expert consultant for a Salesforce health check is one of the best ways to align business processes with Salesforce best practices to get the most return on your investment.

Stephanie Gaughen

Stephanie Gaughen

Manager, Salesforce CORE Cloud